You may be surprised to find out that your world seems pretty strange when you see it through my eyes.

Dogs are just the best. Everyone knows that. Moses is goofy, silly, and smart. I hope you will love him as much as I do. Here’s to many laugh out loud moments ahead.

I’m Vicki. I’m Moses’ mom. Imaging the world through Moses’ eyes makes me happy and makes me laugh at myself.

Moses is a two year old Australian Shepard. My son’s dog, Henry, is the dad of Moses’ litter and he gifted me the pick of the litter (good son). I picked out Moses from almost the day he was born. Moses is joining me on my retirement journey which I’m still trying to figure out. Just to be clear, I know that dogs don’t talk or think like we do. However, they do communicate and I know they think.

And I don’t care what anyone says –

All dogs go to heaven.

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